Friday, November 19, 2010

Crime Blog

Normally after somebody commits a crime they are upset and wish they had never got involved but no me.  I on the other hand am glad that I was involved in a so called crime.  I think I really learned from the experience and it was a lot of fun.  The crime that I was an accomplice in was putting a cinder block behind the tire of a pizza man's car.  Now that may seem innocent to some people but not when you are 15 year old kids that have never done anything like this before.  You also have to take into account that the manager of this pizza company was overly dramatic and a little bit crazy.  We had it all planned out perfectly.  I would get the pizza and stall the pizza guy while pretending to search for money (I knew it was in my pocket the whole time).  While I was distracting him my two friends snuck around back and then to the driveway where his car was parked.  They found a cinder block and put it behind his tire so he would not be able to back up.  I paid the man and he went outside to get in his car.  While we watched intently, he tried to back up about 5 times until he got out to check what was going on.  He found the cinder block and moved and then left like nothing happened so we thought we were in the clear.  Little did we know that they called the police and a squad car pulled up outside the house about 2 hours later.  The pizza company claims that we ruined the car's transmission and will have to pay the damages.  My one friend and I went downstairs to be questioned by the police officer while my other friend hid in a closet upstairs because he was afraid the cop would search the house for other people.  He took all of our information and said they would call our parents but never did.  Even though the police had to show up and ruin the fun it was still a hilarious night and one I will never forget.  It goes to show you that not all crimes are bad because you can end up actually having alot of fun.

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