Sunday, December 12, 2010


Thanksgiving is one of the most famous American holidays we have.  There are so many things that go great with Thanksgiving and just belong together.  My family is just like most families in American in regards to the activities we partake in and the food that we eat.  Thanksgiving is like a ritual and a social norm that most families participate in every year.  My family has the traditional Thanksgiving.  We gather at my grandma's house where we all gather around the table and get ready to eat.  We have all of the regular foods like turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie for dessert.  After eating all of the women wash the dishes while all of the men go into the living room to watch football.  Once all of the food has settled we go outside and play some backyard football.  We are a very loving family but sometimes it gets heated because nobody wants to lose.  After football we come back inside and sit around and talk to each other.  After that we leave to go over to my other grandma's house for supper.  We participate in all of the same activities except for backyard football because it is dark outside while we are they.  I love Thanksgiving and all of the holidays because I get to see some of my relatives who I don't get to see very often throughout the year.  Oh yeah, and the food is pretty sweet too.

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