Sunday, December 12, 2010


When it comes to deviance I do not really know much about it besides the stuff that I learn at school.  I am a very good kid and I do not participate in any activities that are deviant.  While at school there are so many rules that we have to adhere to and you can also hear from other kids about all of the things that they do in their spare time that are deviant.  At the beginning of every school year we receive an agenda that has a list of rules and things that we are not supposed to do.  There are alwasy kids that break the rules and manage to get into trouble.  That is when they talk a nice trip to the principal's office or if they are lucky they get to stay after school to have fun even longer.  Even outside of school I can either see or hear students being deviant.  There are a good number of students at my school that party on the weekends.  I am not talking about the kind of parties that I participate in where we sit around watching movies and hanging out.  These are the parties where there is loud music, dancing, drugs, and alcohol.  The thing that makes me most angry is these are the kids that are seen as cool and popular because of what they do.  I think all of these things are disgusting and does not make a person cool.  In my eyes, my friends and I are the coolest kids in school because we no how to have fun while not being deviant.

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