Sunday, December 19, 2010

Selfless New Year's Resolution

2011 is just around the corner and witht the new year fastly approaching comes the New Year's resolution of many Americans.  There are many people that make a New Year's resolution every year and others that do not believe in it.  Some people make a resolution and give up on it or fail to complete it while others always finish what they started.  In the past years, I have never made a New Year's resolution so I didn't know exactly what to do and wasn't sure if I would stick to it.  Mrs. Mowery came up with the idea to be Selfless in 2011 and tie it into your New Year's resolution.  This year my resolution is a selfless one.  I want to help kids with cancer by raising money for them and then donating it to charities that support kids with cancer.  I love kids and hope to one day become an elementary school teacher.  Kids are our future and I can't stand to see kids grow up with an illness or die from an illness.  They are missing out on so much of their childhood if they can't do everything other kids do because of an illness or those that die never got to live a full life.  I want to help kids with cancer because they deserve to have an awesome childhood and live a full life without worrying about some disease that may slow them down.  I hope that one day cancer is cured across the world because nobody deserves to live in that much pain, especially a child.

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