Sunday, October 31, 2010

Social Class Blog

When you think of celebritites or famous people you always associate them with money and living the good life.  But some famous people didn't always have it easy.  Many celebrities grew up in poverty and low-class families.  They did not have much money and probably when they became teenagers they had to work jobs just like I have to.  Then one day they made it big and everything changed.  Now they have so much money they don't know what to do with it at all but back then they were happy to have a couple of dollars.  Take Michael Jordan for example.  He grew up in Brooklyn with 5 other brothers and sisters and both of his parents worked full time jobs and his dad even worked two.  They barely got by and each kid did not have much money spent on them but Micahel was okay with that.  He turned to basketball and became the greatest basketball player ever and now has tons of money.  I do not have it as bad as he did or other celebrities did growing up.  We have always lived a comfortable lifestyle but by no means are we rolling in cash.  I hope one day I become famous and won't have to worry about money.  But if I was famous I would do it different than most, I would actually donate some of it to charity.  If you have the money why not do it.  I hope to one day become famous but if not oh well.  I am very pleased with my lifestyle and do not need to change social classes.  I just hope one day we can live in a world where there are no social classes and everybody is treated equally.

Monday, October 18, 2010


In some cultures elderly people are seen as wise and are regarded very highly in society.  In other cultures they are seen as weak, useless, and not being able to keep up with the technology.  In the United States they are seen as both.  We try to take care of them and be there for them while they are in their fragile states.  We have nursing homes for them and often times family members take care of them.  They are also seen as very wise and provide us with great life lessons.  Sometimes old people are also seen as a waste in society because they do not contribute.  They do not work and always need health care and medication.  I believe that old people should be seen as important because they helped make our lives better.  I love my grandparents and I would hate for other people to think they are not helping in this world.  My grandparents have helped me grow into the person I am today and I am very proud of that.  They have all contributed to the way America is today and we should be thankful.  My grandma is always saying, "we won't be around forever."  In my mind, I wish they would live forever because I love them dearly and they are not useless in today's world.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gender (Blog 3)

In the past, women have been regarded as the lesser sex and men were always the higher sex.  The men were always the leaders of the house and made all of the decisions.  The women were told to stay home and watch the children.  They also had to do all of the household chores while the husband was off working and making the money.  Now, men and women are seen as equal.  The man does not always have to be the one to provide for the family and the woman does not always have to stay home with the kids.  I know that when I have my family everybody will be treated equal.  I will let my wife do whatever she wants to do.  If she wants to go to work that is fine with me and if she wants to stay home with the kids that is fine with me too.  I believe that everybody should be created equal.  In my life, I see some people that live this way and others that do not.  For example, my parents both work and both help with chores around the house.  In other societies their lifestyles reflect those of the past instead of the present.  The society in America is always changing and I am the kind of person that wants to change with it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gender (Blog 2)

In our culture and society, gender is specifically divided up by what you wear, how you act, and what you do.  There are certain duties that you learn are your responsibility over the years.  Like for women, they learn that they are in the smart ones in the relationship and they know they always have the upper-hand.  For men, we are the ones that are supposed to ask the girls to marry us and we are supposed to be there to protect them.  Protecting women is always one thing that I have always been a little quizzical about.  Don't get me wrong I can take care of the occassional bug on the wall.  But when it comes to checking what just made that weird noise in the middle of the night does not seem ideal to me.  I would much rather just stay where I am and not venture downstairs to possibly find a criminal trying to harm me.  Besides what guy am I supposed to take down and protect my wife from.  I'm not very muscular and have no clue how to fight so the only person that isn't going to whoop my butt is a midget.  That is one thing that I never really favored but that's just something all guys have to do because that's what they have always done and will always have to do.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Social Inequality (Gender)

All around the world men grow up with field hockey being a main sport but not in America.  In America, field hockey is seen as a women's sport. In high schools across America there are field hockey teams for girls but never any for guys.  Maybe not never but only if you go to a very expensive private school can you find men's field hockey.  America has men's field hockey at the international and Olympic level but we are not very good compared to other countries.  Maybe there are guys at high schools all across America that want to play field hockey but dont want to be the outcast and be the only guy on the team.  It is the exact same for girls and football.  You are allowed to play on the team of the opposite gender if there is no team for your gender.  But kids will never do this.  They are too afraid of what people might think or say.  Everybody thinks America is the land of opportunity when really everybody is too afraid of what others think to go and seize their opportunities.