Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gender (Blog 2)

In our culture and society, gender is specifically divided up by what you wear, how you act, and what you do.  There are certain duties that you learn are your responsibility over the years.  Like for women, they learn that they are in the smart ones in the relationship and they know they always have the upper-hand.  For men, we are the ones that are supposed to ask the girls to marry us and we are supposed to be there to protect them.  Protecting women is always one thing that I have always been a little quizzical about.  Don't get me wrong I can take care of the occassional bug on the wall.  But when it comes to checking what just made that weird noise in the middle of the night does not seem ideal to me.  I would much rather just stay where I am and not venture downstairs to possibly find a criminal trying to harm me.  Besides what guy am I supposed to take down and protect my wife from.  I'm not very muscular and have no clue how to fight so the only person that isn't going to whoop my butt is a midget.  That is one thing that I never really favored but that's just something all guys have to do because that's what they have always done and will always have to do.

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