Sunday, October 31, 2010

Social Class Blog

When you think of celebritites or famous people you always associate them with money and living the good life.  But some famous people didn't always have it easy.  Many celebrities grew up in poverty and low-class families.  They did not have much money and probably when they became teenagers they had to work jobs just like I have to.  Then one day they made it big and everything changed.  Now they have so much money they don't know what to do with it at all but back then they were happy to have a couple of dollars.  Take Michael Jordan for example.  He grew up in Brooklyn with 5 other brothers and sisters and both of his parents worked full time jobs and his dad even worked two.  They barely got by and each kid did not have much money spent on them but Micahel was okay with that.  He turned to basketball and became the greatest basketball player ever and now has tons of money.  I do not have it as bad as he did or other celebrities did growing up.  We have always lived a comfortable lifestyle but by no means are we rolling in cash.  I hope one day I become famous and won't have to worry about money.  But if I was famous I would do it different than most, I would actually donate some of it to charity.  If you have the money why not do it.  I hope to one day become famous but if not oh well.  I am very pleased with my lifestyle and do not need to change social classes.  I just hope one day we can live in a world where there are no social classes and everybody is treated equally.

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