Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gender (Blog 3)

In the past, women have been regarded as the lesser sex and men were always the higher sex.  The men were always the leaders of the house and made all of the decisions.  The women were told to stay home and watch the children.  They also had to do all of the household chores while the husband was off working and making the money.  Now, men and women are seen as equal.  The man does not always have to be the one to provide for the family and the woman does not always have to stay home with the kids.  I know that when I have my family everybody will be treated equal.  I will let my wife do whatever she wants to do.  If she wants to go to work that is fine with me and if she wants to stay home with the kids that is fine with me too.  I believe that everybody should be created equal.  In my life, I see some people that live this way and others that do not.  For example, my parents both work and both help with chores around the house.  In other societies their lifestyles reflect those of the past instead of the present.  The society in America is always changing and I am the kind of person that wants to change with it.

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