Thursday, January 13, 2011

Protest Video

Hair check, shoes check,
brand new fit looking cool check,
looking in mirror like "ooooh yes!"
cover for an insecure dude check, She wont' feel me and they wont like me if I ain't in them J's or them brand new Nikes,lets dig deeper inside my pysche
when it's all said and done even I don't like me
He live in the gym and his hair stay faded
late model car so they think he made it
he's Christian he gave his life
but he still ain't satisfied in the savior Christ
still finds his identity in looks and cars
if he only knew that he ain't have to look so hard
If looked in God it may seem odd he be so satisfied he could leave it all.

[ Chorus ]
I'm not the shoes I wear, I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm am not the house I live in, I'm not the car I drive
I'm not the job I work, You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth, my identity is found in Christ.

[ D.A. T.R.U.T.H. ]
How do I gauge success,Why do I say I'm blessed,
Huh,Is it the car that I drive or the place that I rest or the way that I dress,
now Is the cause of my pride,
the stage and the set or my face in the press,
now Cause the applause it dies
When the praise is less if my face is depressed,
then/It's cause my value and worth is in the volume of the work I produce in the booth
It's a prize and a curse if defined by the perks when the truth is through
Man I'm goin' feel like I don't want to live no more, no more, no more
Cause they don't like me like they did in 04,04,04
So, I swallow my pride empowered by God,
I'm complete in Him
He's got peace God's priest I'm in In
His presence weak-His strength
Meet His kin We His brethren Read this list
Me forgiven
He's dismissed guilt and my sin and
I find my worth cause I'm Jesus' friend

[ Chorus ]
I'm not the shoes I wear, I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm am not the house I live in, I'm not the car I drive
I'm not the job I work, You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth, my identity is found in Christ.

[ LeCrae ]
Got her hair done, toes and nails
is that Her? well it's hard to tell
cause she's so caked up in so much make up
It's like she's tryna make up for what she ain't
but she's a saint but so confused
cause she's been rejected by all these dudes
they tell her on a scale of 10 she's a two
but that ain't true if she only knew
In Christ she is loved she secure and accepted
never be rejected by God who's elected her
Her beauty is her Godliness
And she ain't gotta flaunt it cause it's obvious
[ Identity is found in the God we trust
Any other identity will self destruct.x2 ]

[ Chorus ]
I'm not the shoes I wear, I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm am not the house I live in, I'm not the car I drive
I'm not the job I work, You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth, my identity is found in Christ.

Song: Identity
Artist: Lecrae
Warning!: None
This is About: Someone feeling insecure if they are not popular and liked by others.
Year Song Came Out: 2008
This is Really About: Christ loves everybody no matter what.
Why is this song/subject matter important to you?: It is important because I know God loves me no matter what happens.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Selfless New Year's Resolution

2011 is just around the corner and witht the new year fastly approaching comes the New Year's resolution of many Americans.  There are many people that make a New Year's resolution every year and others that do not believe in it.  Some people make a resolution and give up on it or fail to complete it while others always finish what they started.  In the past years, I have never made a New Year's resolution so I didn't know exactly what to do and wasn't sure if I would stick to it.  Mrs. Mowery came up with the idea to be Selfless in 2011 and tie it into your New Year's resolution.  This year my resolution is a selfless one.  I want to help kids with cancer by raising money for them and then donating it to charities that support kids with cancer.  I love kids and hope to one day become an elementary school teacher.  Kids are our future and I can't stand to see kids grow up with an illness or die from an illness.  They are missing out on so much of their childhood if they can't do everything other kids do because of an illness or those that die never got to live a full life.  I want to help kids with cancer because they deserve to have an awesome childhood and live a full life without worrying about some disease that may slow them down.  I hope that one day cancer is cured across the world because nobody deserves to live in that much pain, especially a child.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


When it comes to deviance I do not really know much about it besides the stuff that I learn at school.  I am a very good kid and I do not participate in any activities that are deviant.  While at school there are so many rules that we have to adhere to and you can also hear from other kids about all of the things that they do in their spare time that are deviant.  At the beginning of every school year we receive an agenda that has a list of rules and things that we are not supposed to do.  There are alwasy kids that break the rules and manage to get into trouble.  That is when they talk a nice trip to the principal's office or if they are lucky they get to stay after school to have fun even longer.  Even outside of school I can either see or hear students being deviant.  There are a good number of students at my school that party on the weekends.  I am not talking about the kind of parties that I participate in where we sit around watching movies and hanging out.  These are the parties where there is loud music, dancing, drugs, and alcohol.  The thing that makes me most angry is these are the kids that are seen as cool and popular because of what they do.  I think all of these things are disgusting and does not make a person cool.  In my eyes, my friends and I are the coolest kids in school because we no how to have fun while not being deviant.


Thanksgiving is one of the most famous American holidays we have.  There are so many things that go great with Thanksgiving and just belong together.  My family is just like most families in American in regards to the activities we partake in and the food that we eat.  Thanksgiving is like a ritual and a social norm that most families participate in every year.  My family has the traditional Thanksgiving.  We gather at my grandma's house where we all gather around the table and get ready to eat.  We have all of the regular foods like turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie for dessert.  After eating all of the women wash the dishes while all of the men go into the living room to watch football.  Once all of the food has settled we go outside and play some backyard football.  We are a very loving family but sometimes it gets heated because nobody wants to lose.  After football we come back inside and sit around and talk to each other.  After that we leave to go over to my other grandma's house for supper.  We participate in all of the same activities except for backyard football because it is dark outside while we are they.  I love Thanksgiving and all of the holidays because I get to see some of my relatives who I don't get to see very often throughout the year.  Oh yeah, and the food is pretty sweet too.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Crime Blog

Normally after somebody commits a crime they are upset and wish they had never got involved but no me.  I on the other hand am glad that I was involved in a so called crime.  I think I really learned from the experience and it was a lot of fun.  The crime that I was an accomplice in was putting a cinder block behind the tire of a pizza man's car.  Now that may seem innocent to some people but not when you are 15 year old kids that have never done anything like this before.  You also have to take into account that the manager of this pizza company was overly dramatic and a little bit crazy.  We had it all planned out perfectly.  I would get the pizza and stall the pizza guy while pretending to search for money (I knew it was in my pocket the whole time).  While I was distracting him my two friends snuck around back and then to the driveway where his car was parked.  They found a cinder block and put it behind his tire so he would not be able to back up.  I paid the man and he went outside to get in his car.  While we watched intently, he tried to back up about 5 times until he got out to check what was going on.  He found the cinder block and moved and then left like nothing happened so we thought we were in the clear.  Little did we know that they called the police and a squad car pulled up outside the house about 2 hours later.  The pizza company claims that we ruined the car's transmission and will have to pay the damages.  My one friend and I went downstairs to be questioned by the police officer while my other friend hid in a closet upstairs because he was afraid the cop would search the house for other people.  He took all of our information and said they would call our parents but never did.  Even though the police had to show up and ruin the fun it was still a hilarious night and one I will never forget.  It goes to show you that not all crimes are bad because you can end up actually having alot of fun.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bucket List

  1. Drive 200 mph in a really nice car (either a Lamborghini or a Ferrari).
  2. Attend a FC Barcelona game at Camp Nou.
  3. Attend a Chelsea FC game at Stamford Bridge.
  4. Attend a Manchester United game at Old Trafford.
  5. Attend an Inter Milan vs AC Milan game at San Siro.
  6. Attend an England game at Wembley Stadium.
  7. Attend a World Cup Final.
  8. Meet Michael Jordan and play basketball with him.
  9. Meet Lionel Messi and play soccer with him.
  10. Travel all across Europe visiting Spain (Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid), England (London and Manchester), France (Paris and Normandy), Italy (Milan, Rome, Venice, and Florence), and Germany (Munich and Berlin)
  11. Take a road trip across the United States visiting New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, and Seattle.
  12. See the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, Great Wall of China, Eiffel Tower, Rome Coliseum, and Berlin Wall.
  13. Marry the girl of my dreams.
  14. Go skydiving and bungee jumping.
  15. Play a game of basketball in the Dean Smith Dome at the University of North Carolina.
  16. Spend a night in jail.
  17. Live in a foreign country.
  18. Invent a million dollar product and start my own company.
  19. Buy a mansion with a pool, basketball court, and soccer field.
  20. Become a YoungLife Program Coordinator.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Race Blog

In today's popular culture, the difference in a persons' race is evident but not always recognizable.  Take music for example.  Most of the time a rapper is going to black but not always.  Eminem is one of the few famous white rappers.  Just like with country music.  Most of the time the singer is going to be white.  In sports like basketball and football the dominant athletes are normally black.  You rarely ever see a white superstar in sports like basketball or football.  The game of soccer is more universal so it caters to more races.  There are superstars of all different races across the world that play soccer.  This affects my life because what if I would want to become a rapper or the best wide receiver in the NFL.  I'm not saying it is impossible but it would be alot more difficult.  There are still opportunities for me to play soccer and sing country music.  Hopefully this does not affect my future but it possibly could.